We are the

Alessia Artesani
Alessia Artesani is currently a Research Assistant Professor at Humanitas University (Milan, IT). She developed her career experiences in Applied Physics, specializing in optical techniques, imaging data processing and analyses. At present, her main activities include molecular imaging diagnostics, tomographic image reconstruction and parametric imaging analysis from PET/CT acquisitions, in collaboration with the Nuclear Medicine Unit of the Humanitas Clinical Institute.

Loïc Bertrand
Loïc Bertrand is senior researcher at ENS Paris-Saclay. His research focuses on the properties of ancient heritage materials studied by photon-based spectral imaging. In 2007, he initiated the creation of the European Institute for the Analysis of Ancient Materials IPANEMA at the SOLEIL synchrotron, of which he was director 2010–2019. He coordinates the DIM PAMIR of the Île-de-France Region (140+ laboratories, companies and institutions) dedicated to material heritage. He teaches at the ENS.

Emilio Catelli
Emilio Catelli is a Scientific Technician at the Department of Chemistry “G.Ciamician” of the University of Bologna, Italy. He earned an M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Bologna and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway. His research interests focus on non-invasive spectroscopic techniques for investigating cultural heritage artifacts. He specialized in multivariate image analysis methods for processing hyperspectral imaging data.

Giulia Franceschin
Giulia Franceschin is a Material Engineer and researcher in Conservation Chemistry and Materials at the Center of Cultural Heritage Technology of the IIT in Venice. Giulia is specialized in the design and study of materials and nano-structured systems. In 2020, Giulia obtained an appointment as associate professor at the University of Paris. She has previously held research positions at French CNRS and at the École Normale Supérieure of Paris-Saclay. She was awarded her PhD in Surfaces, Interfaces and Functional Materials at the University of Paris Diderot, in 2017.

Victor Gonzalez
Victor Gonzalez is a CNRS researcher at the PPSM laboratory of the ENS Paris-Saclay. He focuses his research on the ancient syntheses of pictorial materials and the chemistry of their alteration over time. His analytical approach is notably based on the use of X-rays via synchrotron radiation and on the development of innovative photochemical probes.

Julia Greiner
Julia Greiner is part of the Wall Paintings Conservation Team and head conservator of the conservation project at the Prince's Palace of Monaco. She began her studies in 1999, obtaining an honour's degree in Fine Arts from the University of Pretoria and an MSc degree in the conservation of waterlogged objects from Southampton university, in 2010. In 2014, Julia obtained a Master’s degree in the conservation of cultural heritage from the Sorbonne university, Paris1. Julia has worked on numerous projects in France, Germany and South Africa.

Joen Hermans
Joen Hermans is assistant professor Conservation Science in a joint position between the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage programme and the Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, both part of the University of Amsterdam. Additionally, he is appointed as researcher at the Conservation and Science department of the Rijksmuseum. His research focuses on the study of molecular structure and transport mechanisms in oil paint materials.

Katrien Keune
Katrien Keune PhD, chemist, is head of Science at the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam and full professor by special appointment of Molecular Spectroscopy at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), Netherlands. Keune is specialized in ageing and degradation studies of pigments and oil paintings at the micro- and molecular level. She initiated and (co)led many national and international interdisciplinary research projects. One is the GoGreen project (Horizon Europa) of which Keune is the coordinator.

Mathilde Monachon
Mathilde Monachon has a degree in Solid and Materials Chemistry and a PhD obtained at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. She is actually research fellow at LATHEMA (LAboratory of Technologies for HEritage MAterials) in the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, under the direction of Prof. Edith Joseph. Since 2018, she is Member of the Swiss Chemical society (SCS).

Austin Nevin
Austin Nevin is the Head of the Department of Conservation at The Courtauld Institute of Art in London. The institute offers postgraduate degrees in Easel Painting, and Wall Painting Conservation with transdisciplinary research on preventive conservation, technical art history, conservation science and conservation practice. Austin’s research focuses on the conservation and analysis of paintings, ancient and modern art on walls, easels and on paper.

Silvia Prati
Silvia Prati is associate professor in Chemistry for the Environment and Cultural Heritage at Department of Chemistry of the University of Bologna.
Her research activities focus mainly on development of advanced analytical ad data processing methods for the investigation of artistic and historical objects and design and testing of new green materials for restoration.

Antonio Sansonetti
Antonio Sansonetti is senior Researcher @ Institute for Heritage Science (ISPC) CNR - Italy. Chairman of CEN TC 346 Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Ass. Ed. Journal of Cultural Heritage.
Main Research Activities in Conservation of Built Heritage and Mural Paintings. Expert in Cleaning methods. Coordinator of the ISPC Unit in Analytical survey on Leonardo Mural Paintings in Milan (Last Supper and Sala delle Asse). Author of more than 220 publications on peer reviewed journal, national and inter. Proceedings.

Eleanor Schofield
Eleanor Schofield is currently Deputy Chief Executive at the Mary Rose Trust. She studied materials science and engineering at Imperial College London where she completed a Master of Engineering degree followed by a PhD. She is responsible for the care and management of the Mary Rose collection and specialises in research into conservation treatments and characterisation methods. She is an Honorary Professor at the University of Kent, Visiting Professor at the University of Portsmouth and Honorary Lecturer at Imperial College London. She is a Chartered Engineer & Scientist and a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining.

Giorgia Sciutto
Giorgia Sciutto is a researcher in Environmental Chemistry and Cultural Heritage at the Department of Chemistry (University of Bologna). Her research activities mainly concern: i) analytical spectroscopy ii) chemometrics and iii) new green materials for the cleaning of artworks and their analytical evaluation. She is the author of more than 70 publications in scientific journals and has received awards for her research activity including: Best Young Researcher Award in Analytical Spectroscopy.

Brique Sibbing
Brique Sibbing has a mechanical engineering background and started working at the Rijksmuseum in 2017. From 2019 onwards she was responsible for the management and maintenance of the building installations in the museum and the associated buildings. Last year, she started in her new position as sustainability coordinator, with the aim of securing sustainability in every part at the organization. At the beginning of 2023, she completed her masters in Environment & Resource Management.

Caitlin Southwick
Caitlin Southwick is the Founder and Executive Director of Ki Culture and Sustainability in Conservation (SiC). She holds a Professional Doctorate in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage from the University of Amsterdam. Before founding Ki Culture, Caitlin worked in the conservation field for eight years in museums and sites around the world, including the Vatican Museums, The Getty Conservation Institute, The Uffizi Gallery, and Rapa Nui. She is the Secretary of the Working Group on Sustainability for the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and a Climate Reality Leader for the Climate Reality Project.

Maartje Stols-Witlox
Maartje Stols-Witlox is Associate professor paintings conservation, programme director Conservation and Restoration at UvA. With a background in art history and paintings conservation, she is an expert on conservation research using performative methods (reconstruction) and historical written sources. Within GoGreen, Maartje investigates green decision making, historical conservation methods as inspiration for green alternatives, and develops education packages.

David Thickett
David Thickett has a degree in natural sciences, PhD in archaeological conservation and chemistry and worked for two years in industrial ceramics research. He joined the British Museum in 1990, specialising in preventive conservation and inorganic materials conservation research. Appointed senior conservation scientist at English Heritage in 2003, mainly researching preventive conservation. Recent projects have focused on historic house environments, acoustic emission, collections epidemiology, non destructive testing, enclosures and sustainability. Sits as a UK expert to the European Standards CENTC 346 (conservation standards) and is a directory board member of the Infra-red and Raman Users Group.

Arianna Traviglia
Arianna Traviglia serves as the Coordinator of the IIT Centre for Cultural Heritage Technology (CCHT), where she leads research that bridges the gap between science and arts. Her primary focus is integrating technological practices in the study and management of cultural heritage. Dr Traviglia's area of expertise is in multi and hyperspectral image processing (at close and far range), which she applies in the analysis of material culture and cultural landscapes. She is currently involved in various EU-funded projects that aim to leverage technology for the analysis and preservation of cultural heritage, serving as the Coordinator, Principal Investigator, or Co-Investigator.

Annelou van Gijn
Annelou van Gijn is founder of the Leiden Laboratory for Material Culture, specializing in the biographical analysis of prehistoric objects. Her other interest is experimental archaeology, using Stone Age tools for the reconstruction of prehistoric houses and boats. Currently she is the PI of a project involving the local volunteers of Masamuda, an archaeological educational centre near Rotterdam, involved in the proliferation of knowledge on prehistoric crafts and subsistence. Central to this project is the dialogue between traditional craftspeople, academics and the public.

Carolina Vatteroni
Carolina Vatteroni is part of the Wall Paintings Conservation Team at Prince's Palace of Monaco where she is currently working on the conservation project and heading the sustainable initiative of the same. She holds an MA degree in Cultural Heritage Conservation from the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples, obtained in 2019 and a Master’s Degree in Sustainable Development from the University of Pisa, recently obtained in 2023. In 2017, Carolina completed an internship in Conservation at the Vatican Museums.